Monday, November 12, 2007

its been so long.

hi all. its been a month since i posted.
man its been a weird month of good and bad.

somtimes i wonder if i can ever keep it a secret any more..
i dont want to lose you as a friend..

recently i've been catching up with someone and she seemed quite alright. but i think what i did recently have already ended our relationship as friends.

i hate raging hormones.
Sin ravishes.
Christians suffer.

will i backslide. like 6 years ago? when i started the path of no return? well.. not say no return la.
but the lost of innocence. this time would be the downfall of me.
im kinda confused with everything thats happening and every thing screwing up.
well not everything is screwed up but almost everything.
and guess what? i dont know if i can take it anymore

the lost of a friend.

so many others things that i dont even know how to label it..

damn it.
i really wished the sermon last week would help me now.
just who the hell am i?
what am i?
whats my identity........

im falling..

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

im POOPED out tired.
*listening to jars of clay one and only "i want to fall in love with you"*

Wondering about my spiritual gifts now and how am I gonna like cultivate it.
being single now gt so much time. not much people to chat with. no one to account to.
just plain ol me. the solemn one. quiet and introverted? haha.

sometimes i wonder how long before you'll treat me as a good friend again.

im proud of myself. in 2 months my bill is less than $100. haha. the past month was only $37.
but my spending on food has increased tremendously.
looks like i found more love in food than relationships.
their like so much simpler to enjoy. nt much thinking. love it? get it and eat it.
haha. but it has its price too $$$.

was on the bus back with wilson. talking about inflation. haha.
wonder if any one can explain to me why is there inflation. though i roughly know why there is i want to know the full story.

*still listening to the same song*

yawns. lets blog about my weekend.
fri i ended sch went to work early. huda was on mc so i started at around 3. ended work at 2am.
went home.
next day was hari raya. woke up like 10 in the morning to call jesmond aka jessie.
met him for breakfast cum lunch. ate BK.
had a kids meal plus a dble mushroom swiss. gt the scooby doo toy! haha. man do i miss scooby doo. got two of the toys now. so went to work at 12pm. huihui ask me come early do paper work. in the end she late. tsk tsk tsk.
so i so called started work at 1. finished at 2am again.
next day i had to work opening because emylia couldnt make it for work. so i tot alright i'll take her shift since im starting at 12 anyway. so worked 9-6. but had to extend cause watee didnt come to work. so in the end me xue ying and hui hui extend till 10. so i practically worked opening to closing. that xue ying also crazy like me.
gt attachment still work on fri till closing. then sat closing. sunday morning till closing. haha.
she consider it as 8 days of work. i still consider it as 7. haha.
anyways. thats about all for my weekend.
nothing much.
i feel like i've strayed from my quiet time these few days.
i've only been praying morning and night.

anyways. Jessie. join my cell on tuesdays lei. since u no sch.

heroes is almost done d/l so i shall sign off here.
nights everyone.


Friday, October 12, 2007

13th oct

Copied this from Raina's blog.
cause i was darn bored.
so this is non official meaning of my name.


Z: Lives life for fun
A: Fun to be around with
C: Really fall in love with
H: Easy to fall in love with
A: Fun to be around with
R: Can kick your ass
Y: Loved by everybody

M: Make people laugh
A: Fun to be around with
R: Can kick your ass
K: Really silly

W: Very broad minded
O: EXTREMELY easy to fall in love with
N: Good bf/gf
G: Dont like people to tell you what to do

N: Good bf/gf
G: Dont like people to tell you what to do
A: Fun to be around with
I: Love to laugh

M: Make people laugh
U: Gets blamed for everything
N: Good bf/gf
N: Good bf/gf

W: Very broad minded
A: Fun to be around with
N: Good bf/gf
G: Dont like people to tell you what to do

Y: Loved by everybody
I: Love to laugh

W: Very broad minded
E: Have beautiful eyes
N: Good bf/gf

only thing i would actually agree with this is a few alphabets which are : Z,G,I,K.

A: Fun to be around with
B: Loves to make people laugh
C: Really fall in love with
D: Is a great dancer
E: Have beautiful eyes
F: People get wild and crazy to adore you
G: Dont like people to tell you what to do
H: Easy to fall in love with
I: Love to laugh
J: Easy to have fun with
K: Really silly
L: One of the most romantic people
M: Make people laugh
N: Good bf/gf
O: EXTREMELY easy to fall in love with
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: A hypocrite
R: Can kick your ass
S: Lives life for fun
T: Great Kisser
U: Gets blamed for everything
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded
X: Drop dead gorgeous
Y: Loved by everybody
Z: Lives life for fun

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Moving House

ok. im gonna move house soon.
man the end of the year is gonna be b-b-b-busy!


Saturday, October 6, 2007

All The Worlds By Kutless

How do I speak of the indescribable to you
I will try to explain these feelings that are true
so look in to the sky I will sing
and from my heart to you I bring

All of the words and all of my life
that could never explain and never describe
All of my love which is nothing to hide
so I lift up my hands and I worship
I worship you

In your presence I forever choose to live
I will praise you for its all I have to give
so look in to the sky I will sing
and from my heart to you I bring

All of the words and all of my life
that could never explain and never describe
All of my love which is nothing to hide
so I lift up my hands and I worship

By your grace you let me come and talk to you
Its not that I'm worthy I thank you Jesus
for the love that you have shown

All of the words and all of my life
that could never explain and never describe
All of my love which is nothing to hide
so I lift up my hands and I worship

With all of the words and all of my life
that could never explain and never describe
All of my love which is nothing to hide
so I lift up my hands and I worship
I worship you

Indeed i do worship you Oh Lord.
Thank you for guiding me all my life.
Please forgive me for all the things that i've done wrong.
All of these words i say to you,

zach.3:53am 7th Oct 2007

What I found.

I found peace and serenity..
well after all my "mixed vegetables" ranting ( as described by Bird)
i guess all i needed was just SLEEP(and prayer).
feeling so much better now.

Thank God!

Friday, October 5, 2007

that simple thought.

today's been a so so day for me.
sch's fine.
work was not as good.
movie was alright...

but somehow i dont feel right..

time to sleep.
before i get insomnia by thinking too much again.

man. what am i saying.

God, I still do Love you =D.
and i shall praise u every single day no matter how sucky it is.
cause being able to live the next day is already what i love most.