Wednesday, October 3, 2007

3rd Oct.

hey peeps.
im so bored.
aint gt mood to study.
so here i am blogging.

tomorrow is a full day of sch. 8-5. man aint it gonna be tiring.
my mind feels as if its gonna blow.
for no reason.
maybe cause of the boredness.
it cant seem to operate properly.
i dont have a temperature so it should be alright.
i feel so drained.
though i dont do anything much.

rawr.Rawr. RAWR.

i feel like singing. but i know its kinda awful.
so i will be nice and not sing.
i cant seem to think of anyone to chat with on msn.
i feel like im part of the ASS ( Anti Social Society ).

or maybe cause im being emo.
oh no. thats real bad.
hmm.. that could explain my love for the colour black. LOL.
not that i really LOVE that colour. but just been buying black stuff.
2 black Raulph Lauren Polo Ts, A black psp, black pencil box, wearing all black.
hmm.. BLACK.
i need bright colours! but i dont like too bright colours. haha.
im feeling lonely again..
HH is sleeping
winston is busy playing games.
Raina is working.
No one for cell is online except jowell but he's busy.
No one from NCC seems to want to talk.
SP people are kinda being arrogant so i dont wanna talk to them atm.
Cousins are busy.
played my psp till i reach my limit.
played warcraft too.


ok. i think i can confirm im really feeling emo now.
i wish my siblings were in SG or i was in HK..
at least i've gt someone to talk to.

ARGH! whats up with me.. *Falls back on my bed and lay there for a while*
this is one reason i love to work.
at least im doing something. and not just wasting my bloody time.
bloody hell..
hm.. i've resulted to cursing. something is really bothering me..
i feel so disorganised..
i dont even know what i want to do anymore.. for today.

God pls tell me whats bugging me inside.
my facade will soon fade..
*pouts and snorts*


d-.-b d-.-b d-.-b d-.-b d-.-b

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