Sunday, September 30, 2007

mistaken job.

its a new day!
and it was a weird day.
haha. gt mistaken as a staff for 2 different places today.
first was surf and turf a restaurant and secondly vhive.
man was it weird. lols.

today is desmond's last day at TC hope he enjoys AMK.

today was in the car with my parents and sometimes i wonder if they're on the right path of christianity.
why i wonder?
cause they're always critisizing people. especially my stepmom.
why cant she sometimes accept people for who they are.
people arent perfect. they make mistakes. they have habits.
and i wonder when will she ever trust me.
i know not telling them i bought my own insurance is wrong but sometimes u can give me that lil bit of support right. Dont i have my own right to make decisions too?
So what if i made a boo boo. at least i learn from it right.
anyways. i'm done tinking about that. it was actually yesterdays stuff. but didnt feel like blogging about it..

i feel like a "sunday" christian.. cause im like being a hypocrite nw. doing what my mom does to people.
I think almost everyone is hypocritical. but its not my right to judge God's children.

first week of sch have been great and im getting the feeling to actually really study.
i cant lose out to my classmates.. Though i may not get high GPA scores like them. hard work is all i need. cause at least i know i did my best.

argh. my aczema is back.
stupid stress.
why do i always worry myself about problems which arent mine.
im like adding extra stuff to my own routine everyday.
is going all out to help people wrong?. nvm. maybe its just my nature to want to help others.
but sometimes i dont know what holds me back.
Evan Almighty's moral is still in my head.
To change the world. Every Act of Random Kindness will do.
thats why it was called Noah's ARK. the ARK which stood for Act of Random Kindness.
it did make sense. but too bad it was Man created. haha.

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