Monday, October 1, 2007

To The Cow

Dear Winnie Aka Moo,

this post is to apologize for me leaving you in such an abrupt manner.
the times we shared were great and i definitly would not regret it.
I've never really given you a proper reason for why i broke up with you.
and now i'm going to spill the beans openly to our cell peeps.

during the 2 weeks that we didnt really talk after you came back from Aussie,
i felt kinda pressured by you as I know the one week was a long and torturing separation and you really really missed me a lot. Though i had nothing much to say to you when you came back does not mean i did not have a feelings for you at all.

Though after a while you realised that you were a bit demanding and apologized i thought that that would be the end of it already but after cell, the one where Glenn was telling us to face our problems and stuff, you asked me a simple question and i didnt answer. how you reacted really made me think whether trully if you had actually really solved the earlier problem.

After that day, 2 pain stakening weeks passed and we didnt talk much. you asked me what was wrong. and that was what made me real mad. and that was when after being confront by 3 random people that i finally know that though i wanted to stay it was not meant to be any more.

I felt kinda sad too but i had to keep my front cause i know to let go of someone u cherish most is also called love. i didnt want to hurt you any longer cause i know i would not be able to share with you stuff that we used to share so openly anymore. I just couldnt take it anymore. As hard as i tried to forgive you each time you made me angry i just couldnt take it.

Its good that you knew that you should have treasured me a lil bit more when we were together ( not that im being sarcastic here). but at least now you know that even if you are still waiting for me now or that you would find another guy. you would treasure him.

Sorry if its getting kinda confusing but these pass few nights after last weeks cell has been much difficult for me to sleep cause i knew i had to tell you all of this. Im sorry that i couldnt tell you this face to face. Im a coward and would never want to see a girl cry because of me.
but in the end i still made u cry twice.

After all that happened, I would like for you too forgive me just as how God forgave me for the things i did to you.

I do hope that you would read this post because its specially written from you from my heart.

yours sincerely,


P.S. In the Seasons of Change, God will see you through.
Getting slain and having the leapt of faith to finally talk to me is a big improvement.
You're a strong petit girl and you are bound to make great changes to the people around you.
but sometimes you've got to trust youself and let go of the little problems around you.
Faith is what i lived on through my years and i do hope you, too, would have build your Faith and carry on leading a happy life.

1 comment:

Zach said...

Hi, i know its been almost 3 months since we broke and im sorry that i took so long to say this to you.