Friday, September 28, 2007

oh man.

hey peeps. its like 2.45am and im blogging.
something must be up.
issit cause my tummy's rumbling? guess not.
issit cause im waiting to bathe in a while? acceptable.
issit cause im going to question again? most probable.

after months of no shortage. unfortunately the streak is over. had a shortage or $25.50 today.. there goes half the days pay.. but i dont really care. money aint the most impt thing in this world anyways.

ive been questioning myself these few days. and wondering. especially after cell.. whose accounting to me? who can i fall back on? who will be there when i need help? who is the person i can almost always rely on and they in turn on me.

Sadly enough but true. i've gt no one.
well.. it does bother me a bit.. but life still goes on.
sometimes i too wonder why do people sometimes care so much about certain stuff when it could be easily let go off.
i know i've been like them once and it really made me tink. 3 whole years. and i really Thank God for the 3 suffering years. Through the years i've kept my faith and i believe its whats keeping me who i m today. just plain ordinary but extraordinary faith.

i hope the person who has my faith kid shirt still remembers what it symbolizes to me.

i have a few years left here.. and i really wonder what am i to do.. im still waiting for my answer.
i feel so ignorant at times. with ITP and FYP and lotsa projects coming up this sem. esp report writings.. i feel drained already thinking about it.

i've led an aimless life and only following that inside voice to do what i do.
actually.. i tink i've gt an aim. to only serve God.

if you're reading what i've been typin all these while.
these are just random thoughts that im thinking. =D

now for more thoughts.

And thanks Raina for the pass few days.
Hope Jappy's enjoying his time in Turkey.
Darn my aczema or however u spell it is coming back.
Is all this thinking what the doc called as stress?
I dont feel stress. I just feel.. unclear? nah.. hmm.. emo? nopes.. lonely? maybe..
will i ever feel stress? am i too resilient?

anyways. time to go bathe.
IF you read through here and the next few lines left. Thanks for spending time reading up =)

Have a Good Night people.
God Bless.
Zach. aka Mark. aka Whatever you know me as.


Dwight` said...

you want accountability, you open your mouth and say youve got troubles. gao tim liao la. :D thats what a cell is for! apparently, this cell is one of the most, if not, the most happening cell in TNG. you check around TNG cells, is there anyone that got slain during cell. its rare for adult service, according to uncle jeff. so therefore, much less in TNG cells. cool stuff yo. :D

Zach said...

haha. well. as you know i dont talk much about my own troubles cause i dont really know how to express in the ways i want to express it.

wel yea. i've heard of anyone getting slain before.

im just ranting too. it makes my life less troubled when i rant online.